Sabtu, 21 Desember 2019



Kingdom/kerajaan       : Animalia
Filum                           : Chordata 
Kelas                           : Mamalia 
Ordo                            : Carnivora 
Famili                           : Canidae
Genus                          : Canis
Spesies                        : Canis lupus
Varietas                       : C.l. familiaris

The Pomeranian is one of the spitz dogs (thick and long fur, earlobe rather small and erect) which originated in Germany. [1] The name pomeranian is taken from an old province in Germany called Pomerania. [1] In the mid 1800s, this dog breed was brought to England and in the late 1800s began to be known in the United States. This breed of dog is known to be quite successful in a number of activities involving dogs, for example competition competitions and therapy using dogs

The Pomeranian is currently a very small dog, weighing ± 1.5-3.5 kg and a height of 20-28 cm. Its head is round, its skull is short, its eyes are dark, and its tail is furry. This dog has two layers of fur, namely the soft and dense inner part, and the outer fur coat which is long and straight. Fur on the outer layer tends to expand more towards the outside of the body than attached to the body. The color of this dog can be brown, orange, beige, black, red, or a mixture of several colors.

The Pomeranian is agile, brave, protective, loyal to its owner, and can bark uncontrollably. This dog is indeed one type of noisy or noisy, especially if you suspect something. One of the strengths of this dog is its ability to adjust to the environment, both mentally and physically.Generally, the life span of these dogs ranges from 14 to 16 years.

Regarding their vision, dogs can only see blue and yellow. They are difficult to distinguish red and green. They only have two types of spectral cone photoreceptors, in contrast to normal humans who have three types of cones. They can only detect color brightness around half the accuracy of humans.

       For hearing, the frequency range is around 40 Hz-60,000 Hz, which means dogs can detect sounds far beyond the limits of the human hearing spectrum. In addition, dogs also have flexible ears that allow them to more quickly determine the origin of the sound. Their ears can be tilted, twisted, raised, and lowered.

       The smell of dogs is about forty times greater than the smell of humans. However, the relative size of smell, depends on the size of the brain. If our brains are dominated for the visual cortex, their brains are dominant for smell. In a recent article it says they have 220 million highly sensitive odor receptors. Even sniffer dogs have 300 million receptors. In other words, dogs have a smell between 100,000-1,000,000 times more sensitive than humans.

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